Senate Platforms

Enriched Co-curricular Opportunities
UC Berkeley is built upon a history of students with passion, drive, and creativity. I want to help feed this unique culture with a program for students to design and lead their own research and service projects. I will implement a merit system that pairs students with professors in their interest area and create a funding process to incorporate local businesses and organizations.
Simplifying and Developing Online Resources
Academic planning and class scheduling currently requires students to cross-reference various websites, often with conflicting or incomplete information. I will work with campus advising departments and external programs to create a consolidated scheduling portal that will provide course descriptions, major prerequisite info, and official course evaluations so that students can make informed decisions about their educations.
Creating A Personalized Jewish Experience
While there are currently a variety of fantastic organizations geared toward Jewish students at Cal, there are still many students who have yet to find their place in the established groups. I will engage both current groups and unaffiliated students to simultaneously expand internal programming while promoting cross-campus exploration with other cultural and professional communities.
Liza Raffi
for Senate
Daphna Torbati- President, Jewish Student Union*
Leigh Bushnell - President, Alpha Delta Pi Sorority*
Cody Kermanian - President, Delta Chi Fraternity*
Avi Levine – President, Tikvah Students for Israel*
Rafi Lurie- ASUC Senator*
Title for Identification Purposes Only*

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Hey everyone! My name is Liza Raffi and I'm running to be one of your ASUC Senators. I'm a first year intended Public Health and Rhetoric double major. I was born in Boston but raised in Los Angeles (sorry Lakers but it’s Celtics all the way!). Outside of class, I like to play soccer, make jewelry, and find good places to go swimming.
My time at Cal so far has been absolutely awesome. Between serving as a Vice President of the Jewish Student Union, working on campus on events like the voter drive, interning with ASUC Senator Rafi Lurie, and other campus activities, I've just been astounded by how many important areas there are to make an impact, and how incredible all the people are that I've met along the way. Each new part of campus I've gotten to know has made me more passionate about serving Cal as an ASUC Senator.
I'd like to thank you all for the support and excitement you've shown me. It's has been an incredible process so far and I look forward to contributing to the vibrant community that is Berkeley. Please get in touch with me if you would like to work together now or next year-- I would love to hear any and all suggestions!
Vice President of Internal Activities, Jewish Student Union*
Leader of Social Enrichment, Nessah Temple Teen Group*
Crisis Advisor, TEEN-LINE Crisis Hotline*
Founder, Liza Raffi Jewelry*
Intern, ASUC Senator Lurie*
Title for Identification Purposes Only*