Office of President Connor Landgraf
Chief of Staff Jas Hora

Connor Landgraf
Hometown: Saratoga, CA
Hi everyone! My name is Connor Landgraf and I’m your next ASUC President. I’m from Saratoga, California and am a 4th year Bioengineering major. Some of my main hobbies include traveling, surfing, and all kinds of outdoor activities.
I was an ASUC Senator last year, and am involved with various engineering groups on campus as well as the Greek community (brother of SigEp). I am very excited to be your next ASUC President and have many goals that we have already begun working towards!
Thank you for the great opportunity, and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions or need any help. Go Bears!

Jas Hora
Hometown: Walnut Creek, CA
My name is Jas Hora, and I'm currently a 3rd year Political Economy major and Public Policy minor here at Cal. Some of my hobbies include playing sports, watching movies, and cooking (or attempting to, anyway).
I also love all things Cal. Through my time at Cal, I’ve been fortunate enough to have been involved with a variety of amazing groups: the ASUC, IFC, CalSO and STUDENT ACTION! All of these involvements have made my time in Berkeley some of the best years of my life, and I cannot wait to see what the future brings. GO BEARS!
Our Goals This Year in OP
As ASUC President I will advocate tirelessly to add another voting student to the Board of the UC Regents. I will fight against the efforts to increase the minimum GPA for Cal Grants.In addition, I will challenge the Chancellor to expand the Middle Class Action Plan to give more middle class students the opportunity to attend Cal. Finally, I will push back fiercely against any attempt by the administration to infringe upon the ASUC’s autonomy.
As ASUC President, I will establish technological innovations to increase the efficiency and utility of campus resources. I will expand programs like the ASUC smartphone app with gym and library status moniters, install electronic display boards in the dorms to allow student groups to publicize their events, and create mobile versions of sites like bSpace, Telebears, and Bearfacts. At the end of my term, I want the ASUC and campus resources to be brought into the 21st century.
I will ensure that the ASUC invests more in students. I will host a case competition called “Ideas@ASUC” that will allow students to realize their own ideas with ASUC resources. I will establish BART and MUNI discounts to allow students to experience more of the Bay. I will continue to host concerts on Memorial Glade, and will host state officials in a budget cut speaker series to further engage students in the fight for our education. You pay for the ASUC, let’s make the ASUC do more for you.
Connor's Blog